👋 Welcome, thanks for your interest in becoming a Software Developer! This document details our recruitment process for Software Developers. We strive to be open and transparent to not only help applicants succeed but also to give everyone a closer look at what makes Sandbox special.

<aside> 💻 Looking to apply for Fall 2024? You can do so here!


Building a Better Recruitment Process

During recruiting, we strive to:

Commitment to Diversity

We are working to attract a more diverse group of applicants. To do this, we are connecting with various clubs and campus groups to make sure everyone in the Northeastern community has equal access to our opportunities. We will also collect demographic information to track our progress and see how effective our efforts are.

<aside> ‼️ This information will be kept strictly separate from applications and solely used to identify how we can improve in future recruiting cycles.


Our Recruiting Process

Submitting an Application

The first step is to fill out our application here. It is a chance for us to learn about you, your background related to software development, and why you'd be a great addition to Sandbox.

Round 1: Technical Challenge

Developer Tracks

After submitting an application form, all applicants will receive a technical challenge to be completed in a week. Students of all experience levels have a place in Sandbox, and we are committed in making our process reflect that. To accommodate everyone's unique software abilities, we've created three tracks:

<aside> 🐛 Caterpillar Track: For students who have completed Fundies 1 and maybe Fundies 2, might be taking OOD over the summer, and don’t have an extensive background in CS (or maybe haven’t taken any CS classes but have a little coding experience).


<aside> 🐣 Chrysalis Track: For students who have taken the basics + maybe a few higher level CS courses. Students might be applying for their first co-op, just started one, or completed a co-op that didn’t involve web-development work.
